
Monday, 13 April 2015

How To Start A Brand New Business Online: 7 Crucial Decisions To Success

How To Start A Brand New Business Online: 7 Crucial Decisions To Success

So, do you feel like you're ready to start your new online business? Well do you know where you need to start to dramatically increase your chances of launching a successful Enterprise? pay attention to these 7 vital steps to starting a successful online business.

These steps are here to help you start your successful business, because for many people, especially beginners, starting can be the hardest bit. That is precisely why a lot of businesses are said to fail before even starting!
How is that possible you may ask?
Ask me that question right now, Ade how do a lot of businesses fail before even starting?
Well the simple answer is that you may have the best idea on the planet, or have the best strategy in the universe, but if you cannot implement and adapt your ideas into practice, failure is already imminent.
So how do you actually start an online business properly?
Cha ching!! You can start by following the 7 steps highlighted below sunshine:

Step One: Identify Your context.

Understand your idea and identify what niche it can be part of. Your context defines what your business is about, what is your business.
Do you provide a good or service? A service would be a business that provides cleaning jobs for houses and floors, while a good would be a business that sells clothing and shoes. You can have a business that provides both types of products, as a matter of fact it can be really beneficial for your business, however when starting it is best to begin with one or you will quickly overload yourself. Remember, you want you car to go fast and get you to your location faster, but when it starts going to fast, it becomes increasingly harder to control and you may end up crashing. When it comes to business, this rule applies steady hard and fast, as a matter of fact it applies a lot more in business that anything else.

Step two: Set and understand your short, medium and long term goals.

What do you aim to complete? Set you goals in terms of long term goals (can be in years), medium term goals(can be half years or months) and even short term goals(can be as short as hours or days or weeks). It is best to set a mix of types of goals to stay motivated, a goal can be as simple as completing your initial business plan.
Short term goals can help you stay motivated as they may be easier to achieve imminently and thus give you a sense of accomplishment, while long term goals give you large ideals to aim for and keep you working hard. Medium term goals help you feel an even greater sense of accomplishment as they are major accomplishments but you do not wait as long.

Step three: Express a clear mission statement and your vision statement.

A mission statement Defines what you want to do with your business, what do you want to produce, or what is your cause while a vision statement defines where you want your business to be in the future, what do you see your business as becoming. Now fellow Entrepreneurs may as me, shouldn't your mission and vision statement come before setting your goals?

 Yes, traditionally you would set your mission and vision statements first, and then set your goals based from that. Yes that's fine, however i believe that it can also be very beneficial if your mission and vision statement come after setting your goal as it places less of a pressure on you. If your statements came before your goals, you may find your goals are constricted and limited by what you have defined in your mission and vision statement, thus you may actually not be able to set your goals to suit you and your lifestyle, however when your statements come first it leaves your mind free and allows you to decide clear specific, timely, measure-able and attainable goals.

Step four: Solidify what form your business will take.

Will your business operate in the form of a blog, a YouTube channel, a Facebook page or from a sales platform?

Some people don't know this but yes, a blog a Facebook page and YouTube channels can be businesses. I mean, freaking hell have your heard of the internet!? What do you thin it is just some toy to play mini-clip games or talk to your best girl friends forever!? It is a freaking goldmine you know! These days anything can be a business! As a matter of fact, you should learn to develop the mindset of observing the business value in everything. I talked about this in my article which you can read How To Develop A Money Mindset: 7 Ways Millionaires Think That Others Do Not.

Some forms your business can take include: Blogs, Selling on Platforms like Ebay and Amazon or Shopify( Ebay and Amazon are free but Shopify gives you more control over your business), YouTube Channels, Facebook Pages, Websites, Ebooks, Online Clothing Stores, Software, Multi-user Platforms, online training programs e.t.c.
You should choose your platform while taking the following into consideration:
• What you are more skilled at, are you better at running a website than making videos? If you are better at making the website, then the website wins in this factor. Remember to make it easier for yourself!
• What suits your budget, do you have the money to run your own clothing store, or do you have a very low budget and would rather write Ebooks. That being said, there are several low-cost to no-cost methods of starting you own online clothing business. If you ready this article a week after it has been posted, you are in luck because i will have written an article on how to start your own clothing stores low-cost to no-cost and you can check it out here. If you are reading this article before the link is in place, make sure to subscribe so as to receive a notification when it is completed.
• Which is more suited to you goals, what makes your goal more attainable? If you want to make millions of dollars from your business by two and a half years time, blogging might not be for you, even tho you can earn a high income from it, unless you work extremely hard and extremely smart, it is probably going to take you a while to reach that goal. If you are however really good at doing something and you can create a training program for your customers where they pay $9.99 a week to access a lot of beneficial training, in 52 weeks( a year) you have made $519.50 from each customer. Now imagine being able to recruit 4,000 customers to try this out. Believe me, if you really wanted to you can convince 4,000 human beings to join your training program for your niche out of 7 billion human beings on this planet as long as it holds a lot of value for them. Those 4,000 customers will now go on to make you $2,078,000 in a year, imagine that. Realistically, no matter how great your program is, there will still be people who feel it is not for them so lets say you only make $900,000 and you pay a total of $250,000 in the year for extremely high level software and site maintenance, great domains, and all costs attached to running the program, you still keep $650,000 to yourself. Obviously you must understand this is a lot easier said than done, but the purpose is your goals are easier achieved with some business forms than others.
• What can you actually implement? There's no point in running a YouTube channel if you have no idea how to do a YouTube channel and you're not willing to go all out on learning it. But your sister already has a Facebook page with 200,000 likes and she'd be happy to teach you how to do it, wouldn't this be a lot more efficient?
• What do you have time to do? Do you have a few week off work to write an Ebook and just spend the time you have here and there promoting it later on? Then why not do that? Rather than starting a blog that you have no time to update.

Step five: Take your time to write a well structured plan.

Now that you know what you want to achieve, you need to plan to achieve it. When designing your plan, you need to take into consideration, every four steps you have already completed above. If you stated you wanted to make millions of dollars, using your chosen business form, in your niche, with your chosen context, how do you do that with your selection? You need to have a plan that you can follow. Sometimes you learn a lot from going into business blindly, but if maximizing your chances of success is your desire, then you will want a plan. Ensure you place a marketing strategy in you plan as well, because if no one sees your products or services, the money you have in you account could quickly become negative $$$, that being said I don't believe in burrowing debt to start a business unless you are experienced. Another element that you might want to include in your plan is your exit/back up plan. Why do I highlight the word 'might'?
Well I'm the type of person that doesn't like to believe in back up plans, because when there is a back up plan, it is almost as if it is OK to fail. Don't get me wrong, failing is OK if you learn and grow stronger from it, but for some people, they simply allow themselves to succumb to failure simple because there is little to no consequence for doing so. But in the end, it is up to the individual, some people may already have a will to succeed so powerful that a back up plan doesn't really affect them negatively, while others lose their morale at the sight of a back up plan. Generally these are the people that love the "security" in a paycheck.
However, an exit plan may also be a hard working individual's way of minimizing losses or keeping profits if the business fails anyway, so it is up to an individual's self assessment whether to create one or not.

Step six: Finally the tougher but even more rewarding part, execute the plan!

Your new business is ready to be launched, execute the operation, acquire materials, capital, human resources and anything else you need and get to work. It is best to somehow record statistics of what is going on in your new business. You can measure statistics with YouTube, Facebook, blogs and websites by using Google Analytics, and create your own documentations. A lot of your preparation in the previous five steps can help a lot here, remember, train hard to fight easy. And remember to start strong, hit you market hard and grow asap, but make sure it is at a speed you can keep up with.

Step seven: Analyse, Evaluate and Modify.

This is the stage where you want to analyse your business using statistics and documentations that you have gathered, Evaluate your progress and Modify your plans and strategies. Be strict on this, Don'try to talk up your results and give yourself false hope, remember Analytics and documentation DO NOT LIE. Don't make excuses, if something is not working, you need to make it work. Always judge your results and profits slightly lower than they are, and over estimate what funding you will need with your modification.
Work Hard, Stay Focused and Succeed.
Be an Entrepreneur
Thank you and good-luck!

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Affiliate Marketing: 7 Simple Steps To Earning Affiliate Commissions

Affiliate Marketing: 7 Simple Steps To Earning Affiliate Commissions

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Well simple, Affiliate Marketing is a process where the marketer enters a contract with a product owner. The marketer sells the product, and the product owner pays the marketer a percentage of the profits. I'm explaining this in simple terms to keep this article short and to the point. If you look around this blog, I will have another article on what affiliate marketing is in detail and will soon add a link to this post explaining affiliate marketing. But for now, lets get straight to discovering the 7 steps to Earning affiliate commissions.

o Step One: Find the right platform. What do i mean by finding the right platform? Well you need to find the right online store basically. Who ever you are an affiliate for, you need to make sure what they sell are legit and that there are no tricks hidden from not paying commissions to not delivering to customers. Some platforms i find trustworthy include Shopify and Amazon.

o Step Two: Find the right product. Finding the right product can be a crucial step in making affiliate sales, because in the end, if the product doesn't have a market demand, it just doesn't. Some things to keep in mind while searching for the right product include checking to see if the product is legit by buying one, checking product reviews for evidence of scams, making sure the product is legal, and making sure it delivers what it promises to the customers. If the product is popular, you may not even have to buy one to test it. If you can find the right product to sell, you have completed a large portion of the work.

o Step Three: Find the right Customers. Now we are getting into even deeper waters. If you already know what affiliate marketing is, you probably already know about the ultimate challenge that online Entrepreneurs especially beginners face in selling products. Wait for it....... wait for it...... GENERATING TRAFFIC!!! It can be an absolute battle against incredible odds in this age of internet madness. Everyone wants to gain peoples attention, some even pay for it, but you must not be a part of 'everyone'. You need to become part of the minority, the minority that actually generates traffic. Don't 'try' to generate traffic, do it. Learning to generate traffic however is another whole new topic. No matter how much I'd like to just tell you the simple way to generate traffic but I can't because there are just so many methods and strategies to generate traffic for diverse people that if i tried to fit all the methods I know in this one article, I wouldn't even know where to begin. If you would like an article on how to do so, make sure you let me know in the comments below and subscribe click the subscribe button to be alerted when it comes out.

o Step Four: Create your sales funnel/Direct your customers. Creating your sales funnel is essentially about steps you follow from identifying a potential customer right up to securing a purchase from your clients. Why is this so important? Why can't you just whack your affiliate link somewhere and let the customers buy. Well simple, they won't buy. Why would anybody buy from you in that situation? They just found your link on random and you want them to pay you for it huh? Tough luck. Think about it, If you can implement a funnel system where you can first attract potential customers who are already interested in the niche that you are marketing for, and introduce them to helpful information or products for free, are they not going to be more likely to purchase a product you recommended?
Also in your sales funnel, try to give your customers an option to subscribe to your mailing list! that way you have more potential customers for future products!

o Step Five: Sell the Product. Straight forward right? Well for a lot of people it is commonly a lot easier to say this than it is to do it. The best way to actually sell in the end, is to ensure that you are honest about what you are trying to sell, and to ensure that your sales page are trustworthy, welcoming and professional. If your sales page operates through a system created by the product owner and has not been done right, there is not a lot you can do in that case except find a different product to sell! You can make your own pre-sales page and link it to the product owner's sales page, make sure you use good color contrasting, a good layout and template, guarantee security for customer payment methods and provide them with refund details.

o Step Six: Collect your commissions. Well simple what i said, collect your commissions. However, it is wise to put aside some of your profits for larger scale re advertisement of the product.

o Step Seven: Evaluate and repeat. This is a crucial step in ensuring longer-term success with your affiliate marketing strategy. Evaluate Evaluate and Evaluate! Is your strategy actually working or not? If not, how do you increase its success? If you are spending money advertising, are you making enough on returns or is it a futile investment? You should set up tracking tools such as Google Analytics with your URLs so as to help you decide what is working and what is not, and where you are stuck. Always remember to evaluate your strategy at regular intervals, and keep in mind that if you don't know what you are doing wrong, you cannot set out to fix it!

If you found this this article informative make-sure to follow this blog for more useful strategies on you path to a billion dollars, and let us know about your thoughts in the comments section below!


Friday, 10 April 2015

How To Make The Most Of Your Job: 7 Strategies To Help You Keep In Control

How To Make The Most Of Your Job

Financial freedom, is a goal highly desired by many human beings.
We would all love to quit our jobs and create our own jobs and our own schedules, but for many of us that is often easier said than done.

First of all why do you not quit that job you hate so much? The job you dread waking up to go to every day, or if you work part time the job that feels like it takes up the whole day to complete a 4 hour shift?

Well, welcome to the world of job-craft, where employees play shift after shift and day after day, just to find out an expansion pack has been added because of fellow employees who finally managed to quit but left a butt-load of more work for those left behind.

So why is it so hard to quit when you hate the job, you deserve more pay and lose so much of your free time?

Below are 10 reasons that prevent people from quitting their jobs:

• Loss of financial security, there is an illusion that a job gives you financial security as there is a guarantee that you will get paid next pay cycle.

• Anticipation of a paycheck, employees often anticipate their upcoming paycheck and plan ahead for what they will spend it on.

• Anticipation of a pay-raise, well your expecting a pay-raise soon, but really how much difference is that actually going to make on your quality of life?

• Fear of being a disappointment, face it, there is a fear that your boss will be disappointed in you for quitting the job, and he or she will tell you they thought u had a lot of potential.

• Fear of unemployment, well this one is valid as jobs remain scarce around the globe, but how do you know you wont hate that next job too?

• You have mortgages and debts to pay, well, its true the bank wont just forget about their money but neither should you

• You have a family to care for, well it is true, but remember your goal, to build a happy family, not a family you barely get to see.

• Its may be considered 'un-Australian' or it's 'not very American' to rely on welfare and public funds, you should get a job and pay taxes to help the country grow. Well actually, because you have a job, that's one less job in the country, rich people however create jobs for the middle class and poor, and they don't have a job. So basically, its more un-<insert nation> to have a job.

• Lack of specialist skill to create own income, a lot of us would like to make our own income without relying on a job, but think we do not have the skills to do so, but believe me as long as you're better at something, anything than someone else, that is a skill.

• Don't know how to generate money without a job or where to go to find information, well what am I here for? If you have found this site, then you are serious about your financial well-being, and information is what this Blog is all about.

If you believe quitting your job isn't the smartest option for you, then why not make the best of having a job?

Here are 7 techniques you can implement to help you make the most of having a job:

o If you're going to do a job, do it well. If you will keep your job, then work well at work, because you can never tell what opportunities may come forth from it, and besides, it will make your life easier when you are favored by the boss.

o Develop great relationships with your workmates. Be social, active and participating, you will find your work can be more enjoyable and a lot less stressful if you have people you know and like around you. After-all, you may all be in the same boat.

o Don't work so you have money to spend, or money to save for that matter. Work so that you have money to invest in assets and to start your own businesses so that you can finally make your own income and quit your job!

o Don't hate your Employer! Hating your boss and Employer doesn't help you leave them, it only makes you more miserable because there is nothing you can do about it. Instead a better working relationship with your boss clearly puts you up for promotions and favoritism. Because even though employers shouldn't have favorites, I think we all know that they never abide by that law. Having said that, don't make other Employee's lives miserable because of that or you will simply stab yourself in the back!

o Learn a lesson from having your job! Let me tell you a story:
 You see when my parents found out i was opposed to going to university and          
 getting a full-time job, that instead i wanted to do something real with my life
  and make my own money, they told me i was trying to find a shortcut around hard work. They told me that university is the only way to success and that i couldn't avoid the hard work in it. I laughed at them, and they told me that a child may climb the tallest tree in the suburb but would never see what an adult has seen. But I simply thought to myself, I may not see what you have seen, but what you have seen have been rusting and being broken down over time and have been replaced by new buildings and terrains that you are too lazy to re-investigate. The point is that people think that university and getting a job are the hard work in life and that another path is the shortcut , and people even think that trades are shortcuts they do not seem to realize that university itself is the shortcut! People go to university because they are too lazy to work for their own dream! They'd rather have a degree handed to them from completing a ready made program.They'd rather have a job paying them instead of creating their own source of income that they can own! Then they wonder why they feel miserable at work! Having said that of course, there are always exceptions to cases like this. Some people may actually want to be employed by other people! Some people may actually want that and that is respectful. And all that been said, once you think about it, how would your business run without employees, so it can actually be beneficial to those who want to own their own businesses to have people with degrees working for them.

o Start accumulating skill, No matter what job you have, believe it or not there will be skills you can accumulate from them. I know of people who worked as cleaners, now they hire cleaners to work for them. Why? Well, rather than think about how much they hated being a cleaner, they gathered skills of the trade, expanded on it, researched it, paid close attention to the boss, learned procedures and then they used it. Now they run a business that does a variety of cleaning jobs for their customers. And this is a smart system! Because we live in societies where people have a lot to do! They often just do not have time to do all the tough cleaning. These guys taught their employees how to do the job, they own the job, and the only time they themselves do any cleaning is when they are training employees!

o Tip 7 is to Make the best of your job! You might ask, why am i telling you to do this when this is the purpose of the article. Well, simple! The fact is out of all of you who read this article, I estimate that 70% will not try to implement the information that you have been trying to absorb. 20% of you will try it for less than 3 working days. And the remaining 10% will try it for a week or more but most likely not more than a few weeks. And Out of the 70% that will not try to implement it, a large amount of you will keep searching for more articles and videos teaching you how to make the most of your job, you will read tens of articles and watch tons of videos, but you will never use the information because you feel like you need a magic answer.

Make sure to work hard, and follow the 7 steps above to reduce workplace stress and build better job satisfaction for yourself.
If you find this article informative or useful make sure to subscribe to this blog, share us and like us.
And Share this with your friends!
Thank you and all the best!

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Three Absolutely Unavoidable Principles Of Making Money Online!

Click on this Link and We'll show you how we make $2,498.00 a day online by doing absolutely nothing!
And the good news is
We can teach you how to do the same by following our 7 step formula!
Even better, Our software runs everything for you so you can be making up to $30,997.00 a week by doing absolutely nothing!
Well go on! Click it!
How many times have you seen Ads that offer you too good to be true wealth for doing nothing?
Some magical software that generates you hundreds of thousands of dollars without you having to lift a finger?
My friend, if you have ever subscribed to an Ad like that and got ripped off, I wish you luck in unsubscribing because these people have mastered the art of preventing you from unsubscribing from their scam.
If it looks to good to be true, chances are it is.
Here are some realistic principles that make - up generating money online
These are principles that make up the world of online businesses and profit generation that define the necessities of a system that generates the user income online. These principles can be applied no matter how you generate your profits online, from selling products to delivering services, these principles can always act as a checklist to guide you on your journey to generating an online income source.
This is such an obvious requirement. If it is so obvious then why is this being stated? Because people absolutely ignore this principle!
You must have someone paying you money for what you are doing!
Online Entrepreneurs fail to understand the importance of this principle, Business is all about people! 
Customers-SuppliersCustomer-SegmentationCustomer Concept
Your profits must come from somewhere and this is why these people are there. So then why aren't you making sales or getting clicks? Because you do not yet understand how to work with your payers and customers!
You may have the best product to sell but if you do not know how to convince your customers is can help them, you will not make a single penny no matter how good the product actually is.
You need to first learn to cater to the needs of your customers so that they feel the product is for them.
Catering for these needs can be as simple as making better looking Ads. If you are advertising to a female audience, avoid the color red too much because some women sub-consciously do not like the color, simple as that!
why not change to something friendlier like the color purple?
People like to feel secure using their credit cards online and like their privacy to be protected, why not provide them with tips to protect their privacy while shopping?
A lot of potential customers may be discouraged from investing in your business simply because you do not pay attention to catering for their needs.
Better get working with customers, I mean, you plan to make sales right?
Customers have to get something from you right? But how many times have you seen people trying to make sales with the most shocking products and services? you can basically call it a scam at times!
Sometimes the best way to sell products, is to sell to customers that have already bought from you previously. if customers have already bought a product off you previously, but the product quality is not good enough, you just lost a potential future customer!
You need to remember that if a customer or payer has already bought a product from you, you have already moved part a critical stage of building enough trust with the customer to buy a product from you! Easy Gold Mine!
Your goal should be to absolutely make sure your customers are satisfied enough to come back!
Some simple tips to ensure customer satisfaction include:
Ensuring they can refund the product if they are not satisfied! Believe it or not, sometimes it's simply better to lose a sale with more chances that the customer will re-visit your products in the future, than to permanently and completely ignore your products altogether.
Be Honest about what you are selling. There is a fine line between exaggerating the usefulness of your products than blatantly lying to your customers! Not only will customers request a refund, they may never buy from you again!
Provide Payers and customers with Tips of getting maximum value out of the products you sell them! Not only will this build trust, this will also help them understand complicated bits and pieces of your product so they know the complications can be fixed and they won't ask for a refund!
You obviously need to get traffic to where you want to sell your products, people obviously have to see your products to consider buying them. Even if you are approaching people individually to check out your stuff, that is still traffic! But chances are, you need a lot of traffic to even get a chance to make sales. Generating traffic can take time to develop don't be fooled by people offering you millions of traffic per day for a small price. If you work at it, you can certainly generate a lot of traffic for very little money or nothing at all, but remember if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
Sometimes increasing how much traffic you get can be as simple as doing things such as:
Sharing and encouraging others to share your information centers on social media! Facebook is a crazy place to generate traffic, there might be a lot of people using it, but you should remember that those people are not friends with your friends! Even just getting friends and family to share your content can help increase traffic!
Asking your viewers to Follow and Subscribe to you, chances are if they like your content, they probably will not mind coming back for more quality content in the future. Just make sure you do not spam anyone and ensure that it is easy to unsubscribe from you!
Optimizing your webpages for Search Engines such as Google, Optimizing can be as simple as having a lot of content and using the correct key words. if you type common things into Google, you can get millions of results!
Try to think of what anybody searching for information would be typing into a Search Engine. You can figure out how many exact competition you have for a keyword by adding quotation marks to your search on Google.
E.g: In the day this article was written, if i type; How to optimize for search engine into Google, it gives me 17.8 millions results. if i added quotation marks to the search, as in "How to optimize for search engine" it gives me 23 thousand results. now i know that if i use that exact phrase as a keyword, i actually only have 23 thousand competitors for that keyword. This can help determine which keywords will give you a greater chance of being discovered!
Talking about traffic, This is a new Blogging Site and I plan to evolve it into a major center for Money and Finance Information and ideas. It would be appreciated if you would help us grow by sharing this content, and Subscribe for more tips and information.
And as a good bye gift, If you really want to make money online today,
I recommend you just give This a try, it works Magic!

How To Develop A Money Mindset: 7 Ways Millionaires Think That Others Do Not

How To Develop A Money Mindset: 7 Ways Millionaires Think That Others Do Not
Have you ever wondered, what do they have that you don't?
Why is it that some people seem to have a natural ability to make millions of dollars while you, well you're you.
You work as hard as anyone else in every way possible, you take your responsibilities seriously, play by the rules, take your job seriously but yet you seem to have no financial freedom. And as the icing on the cake, everytime you try to start a business or make money online, it just does NOT work. You buy several products and software offering unbelievable results and YOU get nothing from all that money you've spent but you know that there's some rich guy out there enjoying your money AS WE READ.
This article aims to explain to you 7 ways that millionaires think differently, and how You can think in the same manner.
7 ways millionaires think that you do notimages
Don't you DARE say they are lucky, that brings us to the first tip:
Millionaires don't believe in luck.
These days when people talk about how other people gain success, the easiest way to justify it seems to be, to call it luck.
Well you see that is the thing, luck is only as real as you let it be. Millionaires don't believe in luck, they believe in CHANCE. Chance is a matter of probability, The man who won the tatts lotto was not lucky, he had a chance out of a few hundred thousands that the lotto results would work in his advantage. The woman who met Robert Kiyosaki and managed to convice him to become her mentor was not lucky, Mr kiyosaki simply decided to go to the same place where she was, and there was the chance she would come across him as a decent human being who was great at communicating with others. So there is chance, however we may not have power over some of the factors affecting that chance. Millionaires are not wealthy by luck, they are wealthy because they worked smart, they created their own future and understood it was a formula not luck. Even those who inherited their wealth were not lucky, when their mothers had a child, one way or another that child had to be someone. Hell the child could have been you!So its not about luck, chance is a different occurance. So better remove the notion of luck from you mind and replace it with an understanding of chance, because in the end, what works will and what doesn't work will not.
Rules: millionaires CREATE their own rules.
Rules do not always concern legal issues, rules can be as simple as beliefs that have been set in place in your mind to make you believe that something has to be a certain way.
Examples of such rules include:
Believing you need money to make money.
Believing that you must work your way up the corporate ladder like other people.
Believing that university or college are essential to success.
Believing that you have to follow a set of rules in itself is a limitation.
Millionaires follow a whole different set of rules to ordinary people, and one of those rules just happens to be that you can create your own rules to fit your situation.
Learn to broaden your views and opinions and understand that if 98.9% of the world follow a set of rules and the remaining 1.1% follows a different set of rules. more people will gravitate towards the 98.9% that doesn't mean they're correct, they're just following part of a rule made up by humans that can be called 'following the social norms'
Entrepreneurial Millionaires think about changing the world, others think about making money.
You see, wanting to make money is a great thing, but if that is your only purpose, that doesn't mean you will fail, it just means it may be more difficult for you to achieve your financial goals.
You may be thinking, shouldn't the desire for money on its own be enough to help you become a millionaire? Well you see that's the thing. A lot of people can want a lot of money, but those who want to give something to the world in conjunction with that can have a greater drive to do so. Think about what you have to offer people first, and then let the money come with it in the process.
'Average people' consume, Millionaires produce.
Most non-Millionaires see new technology and the thought in their head is how they can own one, they see 'amazing' products and wish they could buy them. Millionaires however, see such products and they may want them, but also think to themselves, how do I make that product better? Millionaires try to improve and produce rather than merely consume. Millionaires don't just want to own things, they want to make better versions of things.
The average person walks past a public park and finds the grass is too high, this 'average' individual will dismiss the grass or complain about how tall it is. The Millionaire however, sees that there are several such patches of grass around the area, and will think: "How can i make money from this?" How can I charge the public to get rid of this grass for them?
The average person thinks of how to eliminate large objects that take up space, the Millionaire thinks of how to charge the average person to get rid of their objects for them, and then how to recycle the object and help the environment while profiting from the recycling process.
Millionaires think about the ladder system differently.
The average person thinks about how to get to the top of the ladder. They operate with the mindset of work harder than everyone else in the company. The average person thinks they should work their way up the cooperate ladder. The average person thinks the way to make it is to get promotions and continue to work your way up until they are the leaders of that company.
The millionaire realizes that they can simply just create their own ladder and not even be at the top of it, they can lay the foundation for the ladder to stand, then leave the ladder for other people to ensure it is functioning properly. When that ladder blossoms as a business, Millionaires like to receive their profits without having to run the ladder on a daily basis.
In essence, while non-millionaires have a mindset of getting a job and getting promotions to the highest paying position, Millionaires would rather create jobs and give themselves the highest paying position. Think about that!
Millionaires believe in making money, not saving money.
I do not understand how some people expect to get to substantial finance levels with saving money.
Non-Millionaires magically think they can work hard, and save themselves enough money and be earning high interest levels and that way they can live their retired life comfortably. Majority of the time, this is absolutely not possible!
Imagine how long it would take you, even with substantial income to save up a million dollars, you haven't factored in the simple things like you having to pay costs of living and taxes!
Money savers do not seem to realize the fact that their strategy does not help them live comfortably, and in case you have never realized, the more money you make, the more money you seem to spend!
Millionaires however, believe in making money constantly, and making more money than they are spending. And they believe in making more money with what they are saving.
Do not get me wrong! I am not telling you not to save money, I am telling you to constantly use any money your saving to buy assets and investments that will make you more money!
Millionaires believe in financial freedom, not having a lot of money.
I will get a high paying job, climb up to the highest paying position, and that way I have a lot of money to spend, and I still have a lot of money left over therefore i have achieved financial freedom!
You might be making a lot of money from your job, but what happens if you leave your job? There you go! Your money stops coming in. There is no freedom in that.
Millionaires believe in attaining assets in such  manner that even if they go on holiday for 6 months, they can come back and find that they've still been making money.
Get that clear in your mind. Financial freedom is different to making a lot of money.
So that't it for today's 7 tips on how to develop a money mindset, make sure to subscribe to this Blog for more articles and useful information. Remember I barely scratched the surface with this article and will be putting up more information, tips and tricks to implement the information in your financial life.
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Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed this article and sincerely hope it has been useful to you. Make sure you subscribe for more content and get out there and put your knowledge into use!
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Until next time, Good luck and good bye.