How To Make The Most Of Your Job
Financial freedom, is a goal highly desired by many human beings.We would all love to quit our jobs and create our own jobs and our own schedules, but for many of us that is often easier said than done.
First of all why do you not quit that job you hate so much? The job you dread waking up to go to every day, or if you work part time the job that feels like it takes up the whole day to complete a 4 hour shift?
Well, welcome to the world of job-craft, where employees play shift after shift and day after day, just to find out an expansion pack has been added because of fellow employees who finally managed to quit but left a butt-load of more work for those left behind.
So why is it so hard to quit when you hate the job, you deserve more pay and lose so much of your free time?
Below are 10 reasons that prevent people from quitting their jobs:
• Loss of financial security, there is an illusion that a job gives you financial security as there is a guarantee that you will get paid next pay cycle.• Anticipation of a paycheck, employees often anticipate their upcoming paycheck and plan ahead for what they will spend it on.
• Anticipation of a pay-raise, well your expecting a pay-raise soon, but really how much difference is that actually going to make on your quality of life?
• Fear of being a disappointment, face it, there is a fear that your boss will be disappointed in you for quitting the job, and he or she will tell you they thought u had a lot of potential.
• Fear of unemployment, well this one is valid as jobs remain scarce around the globe, but how do you know you wont hate that next job too?
• You have mortgages and debts to pay, well, its true the bank wont just forget about their money but neither should you
• You have a family to care for, well it is true, but remember your goal, to build a happy family, not a family you barely get to see.
• Its may be considered 'un-Australian' or it's 'not very American' to rely on welfare and public funds, you should get a job and pay taxes to help the country grow. Well actually, because you have a job, that's one less job in the country, rich people however create jobs for the middle class and poor, and they don't have a job. So basically, its more un-<insert nation> to have a job.
• Lack of specialist skill to create own income, a lot of us would like to make our own income without relying on a job, but think we do not have the skills to do so, but believe me as long as you're better at something, anything than someone else, that is a skill.
• Don't know how to generate money without a job or where to go to find information, well what am I here for? If you have found this site, then you are serious about your financial well-being, and information is what this Blog is all about.
If you believe quitting your job isn't the smartest option for you, then why not make the best of having a job?
Here are 7 techniques you can implement to help you make the most of having a job:
o If you're going to do a job, do it well. If you will keep your job, then work well at work, because you can never tell what opportunities may come forth from it, and besides, it will make your life easier when you are favored by the boss.o Develop great relationships with your workmates. Be social, active and participating, you will find your work can be more enjoyable and a lot less stressful if you have people you know and like around you. After-all, you may all be in the same boat.
o Don't work so you have money to spend, or money to save for that matter. Work so that you have money to invest in assets and to start your own businesses so that you can finally make your own income and quit your job!
o Don't hate your Employer! Hating your boss and Employer doesn't help you leave them, it only makes you more miserable because there is nothing you can do about it. Instead a better working relationship with your boss clearly puts you up for promotions and favoritism. Because even though employers shouldn't have favorites, I think we all know that they never abide by that law. Having said that, don't make other Employee's lives miserable because of that or you will simply stab yourself in the back!
o Learn a lesson from having your job! Let me tell you a story:
You see when my parents found out i was opposed to going to university and
getting a full-time job, that instead i wanted to do something real with my life
and make my own money, they told me i was trying to find a shortcut around hard work. They told me that university is the only way to success and that i couldn't avoid the hard work in it. I laughed at them, and they told me that a child may climb the tallest tree in the suburb but would never see what an adult has seen. But I simply thought to myself, I may not see what you have seen, but what you have seen have been rusting and being broken down over time and have been replaced by new buildings and terrains that you are too lazy to re-investigate. The point is that people think that university and getting a job are the hard work in life and that another path is the shortcut , and people even think that trades are shortcuts they do not seem to realize that university itself is the shortcut! People go to university because they are too lazy to work for their own dream! They'd rather have a degree handed to them from completing a ready made program.They'd rather have a job paying them instead of creating their own source of income that they can own! Then they wonder why they feel miserable at work! Having said that of course, there are always exceptions to cases like this. Some people may actually want to be employed by other people! Some people may actually want that and that is respectful. And all that been said, once you think about it, how would your business run without employees, so it can actually be beneficial to those who want to own their own businesses to have people with degrees working for them.
o Start accumulating skill, No matter what job you have, believe it or not there will be skills you can accumulate from them. I know of people who worked as cleaners, now they hire cleaners to work for them. Why? Well, rather than think about how much they hated being a cleaner, they gathered skills of the trade, expanded on it, researched it, paid close attention to the boss, learned procedures and then they used it. Now they run a business that does a variety of cleaning jobs for their customers. And this is a smart system! Because we live in societies where people have a lot to do! They often just do not have time to do all the tough cleaning. These guys taught their employees how to do the job, they own the job, and the only time they themselves do any cleaning is when they are training employees!
o Tip 7 is to Make the best of your job! You might ask, why am i telling you to do this when this is the purpose of the article. Well, simple! The fact is out of all of you who read this article, I estimate that 70% will not try to implement the information that you have been trying to absorb. 20% of you will try it for less than 3 working days. And the remaining 10% will try it for a week or more but most likely not more than a few weeks. And Out of the 70% that will not try to implement it, a large amount of you will keep searching for more articles and videos teaching you how to make the most of your job, you will read tens of articles and watch tons of videos, but you will never use the information because you feel like you need a magic answer.
Make sure to work hard, and follow the 7 steps above to reduce workplace stress and build better job satisfaction for yourself.
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